The importance of utility mapping
Before embarking upon any construction project, you need to know the lay of the land. That is, every important feature in the area you plan to work on should be accurately mapped.
Utility detection plays a vital role in this pre-construction procedure. Its essential to factor in important topographic elements when conducting a feasibility study.
After all, no-one is going to be impressed if you inadvertently damage a gas main or knock over telegraph poles. These might sound like mistakes that would be too obvious to make, but the fact remains that underground mapping and analysing key surface utilities is vital if you want to avoid any potential mishaps.
With a comprehensive and easy-to-read survey in front of you, risks can be eliminated or minimised right from the design process.
Keeping a permanent record
As part of an excavation project a permanent record may need to be kept of the surveyed site. Likewise, this may be the case even if a project is just at its developmental stage.
Should a client need to re-visit the design, already having the necessary information available is pretty useful.
But how does this type of surveying work? And what do the results of underground mapping look like?
Using pioneering ground penetrating radar, a clear picture of whats lying around is soon produced. Metal pipes, plastic pipes, drainage systems, electricity cables, telecoms and fibre optic cables can all be located. In other words, if its buried itll show up and be added to the map.
As you might expect, theres quite a lot going on underground. So, for readability utilities will be colour-coded and mapped accordingly to type.
You may also have recently seen some funky coloured lines painted onto the road surface in your neighbourhood. Chances are a utility detection survey was taking place. But dont worry, this kind of paint is biodegradable and isnt going to leave a permanent mark.
However, want to know the best part of utilising these techniques?
A bespoke survey performs detailed analysis without the nuisance caused by digging up and repairing roads.
Contractors get to see real-time information while everyone else remains unaffected by whats going on around them.
The complete picture
Of course, there are plenty of features and utilities on the ground surface too. Thats why quality utility mapping will also detail all those other items that need to be considered before undertaking any construction works.
Inspection chambers, valve boxes and even street furniture, amongst other items, can be included. All data is then referenced to an arbitrary grid and level datum as standard.
Before any contractor takes on a project, theyll need to know everything about the area theyre dealing with.
Underground mapping and utility detection that uses the latest technology provides an invaluable source of information.
Utility detection from SUMO Services